Monday, April 20, 2009


I received an email the other day containing these really funny cartoons! they're by a kuwaiti guy called adel al galaf, ill leave you with the pictures:

my favorites are the ones with the big 7jab thing..i call it the brain, i really hate this new trend with the hijabis! its not too bad if the thing, i don't even know what its called, is small.. but when its HUGE that you cant even freely move its a problem! It keeps getting bigger and bigger by the day! there has to be an end to it or a limit to how big the 'brain' should be!

I also love the one with the day after the wedding.. it makes me think of this girl i know! she always has layers and layers of make up on and i just cant help but wonder what she looks like in real life, without all of it. im not the type of person that applies make up everyday, the only thing i use everyday is mascara and lipstick, not even foundation! so its all natural -- thats the way to go!

the one with about the big sunglasses is funny too, but i must say ... im a fan of BIG sunglasses! the bigger the better, but only to a certain extent :p

for more cartoons by adel al galaf check out his blog:


  1. "the thing" is called a yogurt can in some cases ;) Love your blog- keep blogging ;)

  2. Bahrain Fashion: Lol! I've heard of the yogurt can haha, I think this is equal to the very weird ghitra that stands so still!
