Saturday, October 17, 2009

you are fired

Ralph Lauren's French model Filippa Hamilton was fired for supposedly being 'too fat'. The size 4 model said "they fired me because they said i was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore."

She was fired after modeling for the designer for eight years. The designer denied this saying "we regret that our relationship has ended as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her contract with us."

Ralph Lauren printed an airbrushed photo of the model in Japan, making her appear skinnier than she actually is. When she saw this she was appalled. The designer gave out a statement about the recent photo saying "it was mistakenly released and used in a department store in Japan and was not the approved image which ran in the U.S. We take full responsibility. This error has absolutely no connection to our relationship with Filippa Hamilton."

IF SHE REALLY WAS FIRED FOR BEING 'FAT'.... ITS RIDICULOUS! shes gorgeous! I'd kill for her body !

*the ad is not the one that was printed in Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Of course nowadays size four is the new eight in the Fashion world.
